$95-promo$30off $65 only
PBy Owners Directs
Off MLS Package
Listing on Zillow , Homesbee
We do the hard part in driving leads to you , so that you can take care of them by yourself.
Unlimited photos
All necessary tools to sell by yourself
Live support from Real estate pro's.
$ 65 promo offer
$ 349 - one time fee
PPartner with Buyer agentss
Pay 2-3% buyer agent's commission
Listing on local MLS for maximum exposure to buyers who are already working with buyer agents.
Syndicate to 100's of local realty websites alongwith Zillow,Trulia, Realtor.com etc.
Get local Realtor "For Sale" sign
Tools to help you price your home
All legal forms included
2-3 % @ Closing
1 % Listing Fee
PHire your own Seller Agents
Dedicated professional realtor to help you on pricing, listing in MLS's
Reviewing Contracts,negotiation,
inspection, appraisal issues etc..
For Sale sign + Lockbox,
Schedule and Run Open Houses
Pay 2-3% buyer agent's commission
Syndicate to 100's of local realty websites alongwith Zillow,Trulia, Realtor.com etc.
3-4% @ Closing